The Sultanate's delegation took part in events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine, which were held in November 2008 in Kyiv.
In 2017, the Ukrainian magazine of foreign literature "Universe", in cooperation with the Cultural Club of the Sultanate, published a separate issue devoted entirely to Omani literature.
In 2019, the Institute of Philology of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv hosted the Fourth International Conference on the History of Arabic Literature, at which the famous Omani writer J. Al-Harty, winner of The Man Booker International Prize 2019, was the guest of honor.
The prospects for the development of cooperation in the medical field are evidenced by contacts through the International Rehabilitation Clinic (Truskavets) under the leadership of prof. V. Kozyavkin: in 2018, the Ukrainian delegation visited the Sultanate, holding a series of meetings with representatives of medical societies that help children with special needs, while in 2019 the official delegation from Oman got acquainted with the work of the domestic clinic.